Ginny in Mexico

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Settling Back In...

I keep meaning to update my blog, but it has been a bit of a whirlwind since I arrived back in Monterrey a week and a half ago.

After my crazy travel day, I did make it to Monterrey on the Saturday. It was a stressful, exhausting day, as I kept missing flights and arriving at airports needing to book another flight to find out it would be leaving in a few minutes and sprinting through the airport to board the flight as the last few passengers got on. My bags, of course, were not as fast. They arrived in Monterrey on Sunday and were delivered to my house.

It's been nice to be getting back into a routine and establishing some regular patterns of activity. I am tutoring again this semester, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have just started taking Spanish classes on Tuesday evenings. I'm keeping busy with school, but trying to spend a little less time there than i did last semester. I'm limiting myself to 2 hours each weekend, if I go in at all.

I had a great first weekend back. It was busy from the get-go with dinner out on Friday night for a friend's birthday. The next morning I went hiking with four others. We did "El Pinal" which is a hike that takes you up to a weather station. I had been eyeing that site since the beginning of the year, but had yet to make it. We started out almost at the bottom of Chipinque and headed up, with very few breaks. It took almost 4 fours from start to finish. My legs were still feeling it on Monday!

Saturday evening was a school New Year's party - a chance to ring in the new year with school friends. Laurie and I had some people over here before hand to order pizza and then headed up to the party. It was a good night, especially as it brought the elementary and high school staff together.

Thanks to Jamie and Erin, two Canadian teachers with satellite, I was able to see the 4 hour season premiere of 24. I'll have to make a choice next week, as the show will be on on Mondays, when I normally play ultimate. In so many ways, I much prefer watching 24 on the DVD - you don't have commercials and you don't have to wait a week for another episode... But I am really enjoying ultimate.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Another Travel Disaster...

It’s possible that some of you haven’t heard of my travel adventures each time I try to travel to or from Monterrey… Unfortunately Ottawa, our nation’s capital, doesn’t seem to have many flight options when it comes to going to Monterrey. This has resulted in my flight itinerary being: Ottawa to Chicago, Chicago to Dallas, and Dallas to Monterrey. I suppose that any time you have this many connections, there is room for trouble.

This summer, when flying down to Monterrey for the first time with my parents we experienced several travel disasters. That trip, we spent almost two hours sitting in a plane with little to no air-conditioning waiting to be re-routed to a new airstrip in Chicago (“the Windy City”) because of a change in wind. Because we sat on the plane for so long, upon take-off, the pilot realized that we no longer had enough gas to make it all the way to Dallas and would have to stop in Oklahoma City. Perfect. This meant we got to Dallas, missed our final connection, but luckily got the last few seats on the final flight to Monterrey that evening. Total time spent traveling that day: 13 hours.

When returning home for the Christmas Break, my school booked me on a flight that required me to leave school a half hour early to ensure I would make it to the Monterrey airport in time for my flight. I sped out of school and got to the airport only to find out that my flight to Dallas had been delayed due to “weather”. As soon as I heard that it was delayed, I know that this meant I was definitely at risk of missing my later connections… And all this was happening on one of the busiest travel days of the year. We left for Dallas 2 hours after the original time, where fortunately this same “weather” had delayed my second flight so I was able to make it to Chicago, but after my Ottawa flight would have left. We did make up some time on the Dallas-Chicago flight, so there was a glimmer of hope that I would make that final connection (it had also been delayed an hour). When we pulled into the airport they announced what gate I was to go to; however the plane took off 2 minutes before I got to the terminal. There were no later flights to Ottawa so I was stuck in Chicago overnight. The airline doesn’t provide you with a hotel when flights are delayed or cancelled due to weather. Fortunately I was able to get on the first flight to Ottawa the next morning. Other people were being told they wouldn’t arrive at their destination until Boxing Day. Total time spent traveling/in airports/and stuck in Chicago: 23 hours.

It is now January 6th and I should be well on my way back to Monterrey. However, a 2:30am phone call from American Airlines told me that my flight from Ottawa to Chicago was cancelled due to “weather” (and that is all the information they will give you). Despite trying to convince her that there was no “weather” that I could currently see, she insisted that the flight was cancelled and that it would NOT be re-scheduled for that day. I asked her what other options existed, telling her that I needed to get to Monterrey today. Apparently there were no other options and I would be re-scheduled for the same flight itinerary for the following day (Sunday – the day before classes). After getting off the phone, waking my parents to tell them that we didn’t need to head to the airport in an hour, I checked the Ottawa Airport website to see if other flights had been cancelled due to the notorious “weather”. Only three other flights had been cancelled so far – so I was a little confused. I tried to convince myself that it would be okay to be stuck in Ottawa (I could do a little bit of planning for the week ahead, perhaps get to see Sarah Fleming who was returning from her cruise today and have a good last dinner with my parents). Somewhat satisfied I fell asleep on the couch and woke up around 9:20am. I decided I would check the airport website again to see if the other flights had been cancelled. According to the website, my 6am flight to Chicago had been re-schedule to 11:20. (Thanks to the brilliant 1-800 lady who said this would not happen). I grabbed the phone and called the 1-800 number and asked if I could get on that flight and if I would be able to get through to Monterrey today. With a little convincing, she re-scheduled me (even though I would be arriving at the airport with less than 2 hours to go). My parents and I flew into action, putting everything in the car and zipping to the airport (thank goodness it is only 9 minute drive!).

So, now I’m sitting in the Ottawa Airport waiting for my flight. I’ve been re-scheduled on the connecting flights, and if all my flights stay on time, I should make it to Monterrey tonight Unfortunately, my travel record with this airline isn’t so great… so I’ll let you know.

Oooh! It is now 10:40pm. I’ve arrived and am at my house in Monterrey. The whole day was a travel disaster and I am without my bags – but that will have to come in another post. This might have been my shortest travel experience yet… But definitely one I hope not to repeat. Night!