Settling Back In...
I keep meaning to update my blog, but it has been a bit of a whirlwind since I arrived back in Monterrey a week and a half ago.
After my crazy travel day, I did make it to Monterrey on the Saturday. It was a stressful, exhausting day, as I kept missing flights and arriving at airports needing to book another flight to find out it would be leaving in a few minutes and sprinting through the airport to board the flight as the last few passengers got on. My bags, of course, were not as fast. They arrived in Monterrey on Sunday and were delivered to my house.
It's been nice to be getting back into a routine and establishing some regular patterns of activity. I am tutoring again this semester, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have just started taking Spanish classes on Tuesday evenings. I'm keeping busy with school, but trying to spend a little less time there than i did last semester. I'm limiting myself to 2 hours each weekend, if I go in at all.
I had a great first weekend back. It was busy from the get-go with dinner out on Friday night for a friend's birthday. The next morning I went hiking with four others. We did "El Pinal" which is a hike that takes you up to a weather station. I had been eyeing that site since the beginning of the year, but had yet to make it. We started out almost at the bottom of Chipinque and headed up, with very few breaks. It took almost 4 fours from start to finish. My legs were still feeling it on Monday!
Saturday evening was a school New Year's party - a chance to ring in the new year with school friends. Laurie and I had some people over here before hand to order pizza and then headed up to the party. It was a good night, especially as it brought the elementary and high school staff together.

Thanks to Jamie and Erin, two Canadian teachers with satellite, I was able to see the 4 hour season premiere of 24. I'll have to make a choice next week, as the show will be on on Mondays, when I normally play ultimate. In so many ways, I much prefer watching 24 on the DVD - you don't have commercials and you don't have to wait a week for another episode... But I am really enjoying ultimate.
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