Apparently I've been slacking at getting new posts up on my blog. At least that means that people are checking often! I'll try to do better.
I can't believe we are beyond the middle of November and I will be home in just over a month! I arrive into Ottawa late on December 20th. I fly back to Monterrey early on January 6th. If you think your holiday plans may bring you to the Ottawa area (or Ktown around New Years!) let me know because I'd love to see you. Its going to be a whirlwind couple of weeks, but I'd love to fit in what I can.
However, I still have another month here... so, back to Monterrey! I'm trying to think what I've been up to since I last updated around Hallowe'en. As usual, I've been busy with school and my class. They are still a lovely bunch and I enjoy being with them. I've started tutoring a grade one student twice per week. She comes to my house and basically we do her homework together and play math games and read books. Its a lot of fun. She's pretty cute.
I was a little sick a few weeks ago, which was a bummer... But it was a great excuse to spend a weekend curled up on my couch. It also gave me a chance to catch up on the 2nd season of Grey Anatomy that I borrowed from my friend Michelle. This afternoon I just watched the cast on Oprah with a friend who has satellite. I am able to keep up with the 3rd season of Grey's (in case you were concerned) by having a standing-date with some friends who have Canadian satellite here in Monterrey.
Sarah Fleming is almost 100% coming to Monterrey to do her Alt prac in March and she is going to live with me! That will be super fun and I am excited to show her around this interesting place.
I can't remember if I've written about this before.. but every month at school we have a Flag Assembly, where we recognize the Mexican and American flags, sing the anthems and say the respective pledges. Well, I don't sing or say them.. I'm trying to learn the words though. Especially to the Mexican anthem - it has a very inspiring sound to it. Each month, one grade is in charge of the assembly. This month was the 2nd grade, so my class worked with their Spanish teacher to put together a poem to present. They all came dressed in traditional Mexican dress - the girls in dresses and skirts, and the boys in white shirts, black pants and a hankerchief tied around their necks. One of my moms sent me a picture from after the assembly of me with some of the girls in my class. Aren't they cute???

So.. about this Mexican weather... it is SO NOT HOT here. This week, mornings have been a chilly 12 degrees. And no, I agree, this does not sound cold - but when the buildings aren't insulated, even my Canadian endurance is put to the test. Fortunately after the first cold spell, my mom put together a box of pants, shoes and sweaters and sent them down to me, so I'm keeping warm. The strangest part about the weather is that by the afternoon it is easily above 25 degrees and you can be out in a t-shirt shorts. I'm not sure how long this will keep up for. Though I've been told that this kind of fluctuating weather is typical of Monterrey and I should just learn to dress in layers.
I am actually just begining a week-long holiday today. We get a week off because the Mexican Revolution (November 20th) and American Thanksgiving happen in the same week this year. I am off to Guanajuato with Abby (a fellow 2nd grade teacher) to spend a week at a language school. On the way we are going to stop in San Miguel (where I went in September), and on the way back we will spend a night in San Luis Potosi. I'm sure I'll have stories to tell after this... and maybe I'll even tell them in Spanish! I need to finish packing.. but wanted to let you know I'm alive and well... Eager to get home to Canada for a little visit - but still happy to be in Mexico!
yAH for an update! and yaH for me coming for alt prac. so excited. your kiddies look so beautiful all dressed up. have fun learning spanish! ciao.
I am having the same 'cold' weather experience here in India...only here it is 15 degrees that feels freezing to me, especially right when you wake up in the morning. Funny- 15 degrees would totally be the beginning of bikini weather back home :) Love your blog...Miss you!
Love Jess
Viva la Revolucion!!! :)
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