Ginny in Mexico

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New photos from Rio Ramos and a small update

A friend from school just sent these photos my way. I think they help to better illustrate the River Walk I went on a few weeks ago.

Our report cards are due this week - so everyone has been a little overwhelmed getting those organized.

I went to see a movie last night "La Illusionista" at a VIP movie theatre. This is a theatre where you sit in Lazy-Boy type chairs and have your food delivered to you. I ordered vegetarian sushi. It was definitely a good experience (the food and the movie).

Friday night a few of us went out to an Argentenian restaurant near to my house. I had an empanada with chicken and onion and red pepper. Very yummy and inexpensive!

If anyone makes it down to Monterrey for a visit, I have lots of new favorite places (restaurants esp.) to take you! (Note the spelling of favorite - I have to use the American versions because I'm at an American school... No more OUs.. It still looks wrong to me).

I went for a long hike today - on a new trail. We went farther than we had gone before, which was great. But by the time we started to come down, the stairs had been closed (it was misty rain so everything was slippery) so that meant we would have to walk down the road, and that makes the trip much longer (I think the road down from the top is almost 8km). We started out but decided we would try and hitch a ride from someone. We picked the right car to flag down - a fancy mercedes driven by a man who it turns out has children at my school. The ride was much appreciated, though we felt a little guilty getting into his gorgeous car wet, sweaty and with muddy shoes.

Otherwise not too much is new here. That's it from my end for now... Keep in touch. :)


Blogger Brianna said...

hey ginny!
It looks like you're having a blast. Can you believe that 4 months ago, you had no idea what your life was going to be like now?

I'm definitely going to make it down there, one way or another. Send some good vibes my way - my practicum starts in two days (ehhh!)


12:05 AM  
Blogger sarah. said...

hi lovie! keep picking out great restaurants, because i am coming in t-minus five months. nice 'walk' in the river! i can't say i have ever hiked in knee-deep water before. ha. slushy socks! i just called you, let me know when a good time to call you would be. miss you, love you. xox.

9:40 PM  

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