Mexican Soccer!

The hike at Chipinque on Saturday morning was great. There were 10 girls who came, and though the majority was from my school, there were several others from two different English schools in the city. We hiked for probably an hour and a half or so, and then went down to El Centrito (the little downtown near where I live) for juice. By this time it was almost 1pm, so a few of us headed to “Super Salads” for lunch. Now that I am mostly over my fear of eating lettuce in restaurants, I was able to get the perfect lunch. You can get a combo of two of soup, salad and sandwich and you get to pick out of a whole range of different types of salads. If you cant find a particular salad that you want, you can even assemble your own.
Saturday evening I went to the Monterrey Tigres soccer game with 15 others. That was definitely an experience. The stadium seats around 50,000 people and almost everyone was wearing a Tigres jersey of some sort. Monterrey is apparently very good at supporting its soccer teams. Of the 50,000 seats, just over 20,000 belong to season ticket holders. There is one section of the stadium that belongs to the Booster Club, and the people who sit in this section are dedicated fans. They jump up and down and sing through the entire game, waving blue and yellow flags. The halftime show consisted of scantily-clad women playing soccer with an exercise ball. It was interesting, to say the least.
gin! everything looks absolutely gorgeous. i LOVE your room, and the view. and, it sounds like you have found loads of time to play hard... beer, soccer and climbing.? who is this new girl? ha. am having a lovely time in iowa, and will talk to you very soooon. xox sar.
Ginny! I think it is totally amazing what you are doing and find it so interesting to read your blog as a fellow teacher! Talk to you soon! Kristin Simmons
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