Mexican Fiesta!

Last night we had our Mexican Fiesta - a chance for a number of family and friends to come together for some Mexican inspired food, drink, music.. and to my surprise - a pinata! It didn't rain, and everyone got to admire the flagstone patio my dad has been working on. It was great to see everyone before I get on a plane with my parents on Thursday for the official move to Mexico.
Today I said good-bye to Jessie and Jenn who had been keeping me sane for the past few days.. and now I'm in the homestretch. 4 sleeps left until I'm there. 4 days left to put things in bags (I don't travel light), run around and cross the last few things off my list, and visit a few more people.
I'll get some pictures up of the week my parents and I spend in and around Monterrey - and hopefully that will be enough to entice some visitors to come south!
Wow... I've got to work on my Pinata locating skills.
I'm sooo glad that I could keep you sane. Now I am starting to panic about going back to India....I mean, I have 3 weeks left, but somehow it goes by too fast. I'll miss you terribly I said, sometimes you just want people who 'know you' around....I guess you'll just be a phone call away, eh?!
Love Jess
Fly safe, friend.
And DEFINITELY keep this thing updated - I can't wait to see pictures of all your adventures :)
Hi Gin
Sending you and your Mom and Dad lots of love from 1089. We will be thinking of you all and can hardly wait to see all your posts about your exciting new life. Take care Gin!
Hugs to you
You have been in my thoughts constantly the past few days! I can't wait to see your first pics and hear your first stories! I know this will be an amazing adventure for you, and as far away from home as you are, always remember how many people are back here loving you and missing you!
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